
How to do „Wild Thing“

– as well know at „Flipped Dog Pose, Dancing Dog Pose, Chamatkarasana“

  • it’s a Back Bend, Inversion, Balance at the same time
  • you increase you Strength and you Stretch
  • we „open our Heart“ on the emotional side and physical we strengthen Arms/Shoulders/Core/Chest/Neck/Psoas and Hamstrings


  • Side Plank right arm hold you in the plank
  • your arm should be in one line with your shoulder
  • your left feet is in the side plank in front (just balance with your feet on the side)
  • go one step back with your left leg
  • your right arm balance you
  • right leg is straight
  • Lengthen the left arm behind you left arm rise and palms look up
  • push your hips up
  • Your Torso will „open up“ to the ceiling
  • tied up everything you have and stretch out your entire front
  • Stay as long as you could up to 12 Breaths
  • Breath in come back to plank (both palms on the mat) and then knees down to Child Pose and relax and keep on going with Ujjayi Breath

How to clean your Yoga Mat:

PVC mats are not necessarily the most environmentally friendly, but they are easy to clean, you can take disinfectants, shower them or put them in the bath, please note the manufacturer's instructions.

Mats made of natural rubber are best cleaned with apple cider vinegar (organic) and water. If you use your mat outside, you can also add a drop of detergent, but really only a drop.

Cork mats are generally self-disinfecting, in between you can also use a mat cleaner. Every 3 - 6 months you can also shower the cork mat or put it in water with approx. 50 cl apple cider vinegar with 2-3 drops of tea tree oil.

How to clean your Yoga Mat

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How to Do Headstand Pose Bound Angle Legs (Salamba Sirsasana Baddha Konasana) natural rubber

Benefiz: Pain relief, Rehydrate discs, Increase flexibility
Reduce nerve pressure, Realign the spine, Improve Core strength
Relax tense muscles, help you to sleep, emotional you will see things from a different perspective (upside Down) and they could work like a Natural a

  • Place the forearms together in front of the chest so that the fingertips wrap around the elbow of the opposite arm to check your space
  • interlace your finger, see that the two little fingers are on one level, not that one is getting broken
  • Curl the toes under, lean forward, and plant the elbows on the floor directly under the shoulders. (You may want to spread the elbows just a little further apart if it is easier to balance once in the pose.)
  • Place the crown of the head on the floor in front of the interlaced fingers so that the back of the head is supported by the hands. (This symmetrical tripod is the key to the balance in this pose.)
  • Press the forearms into the floor and draw the shoulders away from the ears. Keep your neck elongated and control the amount of weight on the head, elbows and forearms.
  • Straighten the legs and lift the torso and buttocks up, if it helps do a small jump at the beginning
  • If you feel sure in the Headstand and you want to move further try to do Eagle Legs or Baddha Konasana when you in there
  • I recommend to NOT Start on the Wall because its hard to get away then, ask a friend if he could help you to lift your leg or push your Bally and Butt in and to give you a safety feeling

Yoga auf Donation Basis:


Shine School Kenia:

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Yoga für EKWAL

How to do Warrior Postures:

yoga #howtodo #warrior #virabadrasana #virabadrasana2 #reversed #warrior #Viparita Virabhadrasana #stepbystep #keepongoing #itsallabout #practice #

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

  • turn the back foot to 45 ° so that the heel points inwards and the tip of the foot points outwards
  • the front knee is aligned above the ankle
  • Raise the upper body and raise the arms sideways and then together in pray posture over your head
  • the back hip turns forward
  • the navel pulls towards the spine
  • You stretch your arms a bit more through the sky
  • Lift the breast bone with the inhalation,roll the shoulders backwards
  • When exhaling from the hip bend the trunk forward
  • The shoulders actively away from the ears

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

  • Turn Warrior I’s back foot to 90 °
  • Your front knee is still aligned over the ankle
  • the front heel is in line with your backfoot
  • Arms away from you parallel to the ground on each side
  • Palms face down
  • Open wide from the hip
  • the view goes over the middle finger of the front hand

Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

  • From the Warrior II, turn the front arm up (palm facing up)
  • Lead the front arm far above the head to the top
  • Slightly rest on the back leg with the back of the hand
  • the front knee stays above the ankle
  • If that’s too much with balance, you can also take a small step tot he side
  • Imagine“to push a wall away
    Drishti (View) is to your Thumbs
  • Back leg is still fully active
  • Draw the ribs into avoid collapsing in the lower back

Wie man ins gebundene gedrehte Dreieck kommt (Baddha Trikonasana)

Drehung + Seitbeuge
Wir dehnen unsere Arme und Schultern und Nacken, brauchen Bizeps und Trizeps, unsere Hüften – und Lendenmuskulatur, sowie unsere Beinbeuger und Kniesehnen. Wir spannen unsere seitlichen Bauchmuskeln an und unsere Kniesehnen und dehnen unsere Zwerchfell und die inneren Organe werden Stimuliert und es wirkt anregend für unsere Verdauung und die Wirbelsäule wird flexibler.

  • Gut vor einem Spiegel zu üben
  • Beispiel mit dem rechten Fuß vorn
  • Linker Fuss 35 C.
  • Beide Beine durchgestreckt ausser Du hast Knie Probleme
  • Rechte Hand zum Becken
  • Linke Hand über den Rücken zu den Po
  • Handfläche nach oben
  • Bring Deine Finger zusammen
  • Bewege Dich dann mit Deinem Oberkörper zu Deinem vorderen Knie und tiefer
  • Schau in den Spiegel, Du möchtest mit deinem Oberkörper die obere Linie eines Dreiecks bilden
  • Dein rechter Oberarm sollte in einer Linie mit Deinem rechten Knie sein
  • Dein rechter Oberarm sollte sich an der Innenseite Deines vorderen Oberschenkels befinden
  • Hebe Deine linke Schulter so weit zurück, wie es noch gut für Dich ist
  • Schau auf deine obere Schulter und lächle 😉

How to do a bounded revolved Triangle (Baddha Trikonasana)

We stretch our arms and shoulders and neck, we need biceps and triceps, our hips and lumbar muscles, as well as our hamstrings and Knees.
It’s a twist + side bend
We contract our lateral abdominal muscles and our hamstrings and our diaphragm and the internal organs getting stimulated
and it stimulates our digestion and the spine becomes more flexible.

  • Good to practice in front of a mirror
  • Example with the right foot in front
  • Left foot 35 C.
  • Both legs straight out unless you have knee problems
  • Right hand to the pelvis
  • Left hand over the back to the bottom
  • Palm up
  • Bring your fingers together
  • Then move your torso to your front knee and lower
  • Look in the mirror, you want to form the upper line of a triangle with your upper body
  • Your right upper arm should be in line with your right knee
  • Your right upper arm should be on the inside of your front thigh
  • Raise your left shoulder as far as it is still good for you
  • Look at your upper shoulder and smile 😉

Zanzibar Standing Flow Trikonansana Versions

Image Movie Power Yoga Zürich

Image Movie # Power Yoga Ashtanga # Vinyasaflow # Balance # Yinyoga # Breathwork relaxation # Calmdown # Namaste

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von

Lassarga Marokko Evening Flow Part 2 Hip Opening + Stretch + Relax

Hip Opening Stretching

calm down good after Surfing

gentle Flow

main time on the mat

Lassarga# Marokko# eveningflow# getmoreyininyourlife# Stretch# hipopening# shoulderstretch# relax# comedown# listentoyourbody# xmassoon# busytime# taketimeforyourself# youdeserveit# enjoyandrelax# namaste

Vinyasa Flow outside Dancer (Modification) + Side Crow

Crow + Side Crow

How to do „Chaturanga“ (Yoga Plank)

1. on your Knees Upper arms closed to your body and move forward arm straight if you could and shoulders back and upward facing

2. plank upper arms closed to your body and move forward when you come down to the mat shoulders back arms straight view upwards

3. plank upper arms closed to your body and you come almost down and move forward straight your arms and move your feet heels upwards, toes lie down and you hover in the plank like your upper legs don’t ever touch the mat)